South Sumatra Police Chief Opens Police Priority Agenda

  • Bagikan – MILITARY, The Regional Police (Polda) of South Sumatra (Sumsel), is one of the 14 Polda who received the Counter-Terrorism, Radicalism and Intolerance Counseling agenda from the National Police Headquarters. The agenda, which was located on the 3rd Floor, Rekonfu Building, Polda Sumsel, was immediately opened by the South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General. Pol. Prof. Dr. Eko Indra Heri S, M.M.

Kapolda stated that terrorism, radicalism and intolerance are the big enemies of the Indonesian nation. This problem is a common problem in this Pancasila country. “We are aware that terrorism is not only external, but also internal,” said the Kapolda, Tuesday (23/2/2021).

In his explanation, Eko invited all related elements, especially Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa to keep their spirits up, in disseminating what was obtained after this counseling. “I advise those who are present here, to keep following this agenda until it is finished,” he said.

The event was attended by Bhabinkamtibmas Palembang Police, Babinsa Kodim 0418 Palembang, Kesbangpol Palembang, Kakanwil Kemenag South Sumatra. While virtually followed by Muara Enim Police, Palembang Police Satbinmas, Banyuasin Police Satbinmas, Lubuk Linggau Police Satbinmas.(Shultan Mattanews)

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