Regent Dodi Reza with Forkopimda, Nakes and Tomas in the first vaccine

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SumselDaily – Today News, The ration for vaccine doses for Musi Banyuasin Regency is scheduled for Monday (25/1/2021) to be taken to the vaccine storage warehouse in Palembang. The 6,360 doses of vaccine will be collected by the Muba Health Office and will be closely guarded by the TNI and Police, in this case Kodim 0401 Muba and Muba Police.

“The number of vaccines that will be received for Muba is 6,360 doses for 2 injections, the number to be distributed to the Districts is 3,180 and the rest will be stored at the health office for the second injection 14 days later,” said the Head of the Muba Health Office, dr Azmi Dariusmansyah. MARS. He explained that the group that would take the vaccine consisted of 2 vehicles from the Police, 2 vehicles from the Kodim and 2 vehicles from the Health Office. “The group will depart at 5.30 WIB and depart from the health office. It is hoped that at 9.00 WIB the group will arrive at the medicine warehouse of the South Sumatra province health office,” said Azmi.

Azmi added, after being vaccinated, an observation will be carried out for 30 minutes to monitor the possibility of post-immunization follow-up events (AEFI). Meanwhile, Muba Regent Dr Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin Lic Econ MBA emphasized that his orientation with Forkopimda and community leaders to be the first vaccinated person was not to be brave but to convince the public not to be afraid of being vaccinated.

“This is our effort to educate and socialize to residents so they are not afraid to be vaccinated, for the sake of common health,” he said.The Head of Innovative Region hopes that the distribution and implementation of vaccines in Muba will run smoothly. “We hope the process will run smoothly and reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak in Muba,” he said. (AN)

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