Governor Inaugurates Pancasila Indralaya Ogan Ilir Park

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Sumsel Daily – News Today, Starting his work visit agenda in Ogan Ilir Regency (OI), the Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) H. Herman Deru inaugurated the Pancasila Indralaya Park, Ogan Ilir Regency (OI), Thursday (4/2).The inauguration of the Pancasila Ogan Ilir Park was marked by the signing of the inscription and cutting of ribbons and a review of the park by the Governor of Herman Deru, the Regent of OI and the local Forkopimda which was followed by a garden inspection.

In his direction, Governor H. Herman Deru said that Indralaya as the capital of Ogan Ilir Regency has begun to organize itself. Especially after the stopping of coal transportation via public roads in November 2018.

“I banned coal transportation trucks from public roads in November 2018. After that Indralaya was free from traffic jams. Then we could arrange the facilities, including our planning of the city by making parks and others,” said Herman Deru.He hopes that the new Pancasila park facilities can be utilized and maintained properly.

“When it comes to the name of the Pancasila park. I am very supportive, because Pancasila is the foundation of our country. Pancasila should not only be memorized. But the values ​​contained in it must be interpreted,” added HD.HD also asked the Pancasila garden to be equipped with a Wifi hot spot. As well as a reading corner facility that can be used by park visitors. Because wifi has become a necessity.“I want other than a recreation area. This park can also be used for other benefits. Dikominfo Ogan Ilir can prepare Wifi facilities. Coupled with the reading corner,” added HD.


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