Dandim 0403 / OKU First Vaccine

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OKU, Sumsel Daily Dandim 0403 / OKU Lt. Col. Arh Tan Kurniawan, S.A.P., M.I.Pol was injected with the first vaccine at the UPTD Puskesmas Kemalaraja, OKU Regency, Monday (01/02/2021). Dandim 0403 / OKU Lt. Col. Arh Tan Kurniawan, S.A.P., M.I.Pol was the first person to administer the COVID-19 vaccination in the OKU Regency area. Kick off for the COVID-19 vaccination in the OKU Regency area was held at the UPTD Kemalaraja Health Center OKU.

This activity was carried out by officials of the OKU District Forkopimda by calling them one by one to undergo screening before undergoing vaccination. In the screening, the Regent, Kapolres and Kasiswa did not pass the screening because of high blood pressure. Then it was Dandim 0403 / OKU’s turn to pass the screening followed by vaccination. The Dandim carried out the first vaccination by Dr. Harseno, head of the OKU Doctors Association accompanied by Dr. Mariska.

After the injection was over, the Dandim were given 30 minutes to see what reactions the vaccine was injected with and were asked questions by the Vaccine Observation team. This vaccination will be carried out again 14 days later to support the sustainability of the vaccine. After the Dandim 0403 / OKU was continued by OKU forkopimda officials. “I hope that all people can participate in this government program and we will succeed so that hopefully the Covid 19 outbreak, especially in Ogan Komering Ulu district, we can face a better life,” said Dandim.

The target is that the OKU health worker vaccination will be completed by the end of February 2021. After that, we will wait for further instructions on the implementation of further vaccination. Including anyone who will be given the vaccine after health workers. “Maybe for side effects, I don’t think there are any special side effects, especially for me, I also asked Assistant 1 earlier that there were no special side effects. If indeed pain is pain, we usually have injections, but others, God willing, easy- I hope there are no side effects, “concluded Dandim 0403 / OKU Lt. Col. Arh Tan Kurniawan, SAP, MIPol. Vaccination activities will be carried out again later on February 15, 2021 according to the instructions from the health team to repeat for the second patient. (*)

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