The Role of Technology in Education at SMA N 17 Palembang

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SumselDaily – TECHThe program which will be implemented at SMAN 17 is strongly supported by the Head of the South Sumatra Education Office, Drs Riza Pahlevi, MM. Online learning platform according to PISA principles: Math, Science, Literacy and Collaboration. The Learning Platform, which consists of: Learning tools and Multimedia Forum.

Learning Tools itself is divided into 2 parts, namely learning classes and learning activities. Learning Tools are features that can be used for class management, assigning assignments, assessing, and conveying information to students.

Collaborative Canvas: learning using Post-it which is attached by students and teachers. Post-it notes can be filled with text, images and videos.

Collaborative Writing: making a paper or scientific work in groups and discussing it with the teache. Multimedia forum is a means for students and teachers to provide feedback or discussion of a topic in a forum format.

Mind maping: can compile a common concept ma.

Analytic: coming soon (still in process) as a teacher to monitor student activity.

In supporting learning creativity, PesonaEdu Academy has 17 types of learning activities (assessment for students) and four collaborative learning schemes (Collaborative Canvas, Collaborative Writing, Multimedia Forum, and Mind Map). With a variety of features, teachers can make various types of assessment from the very general such as: multiple choice, fill in, essays, and match.

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