Socialization of Permendagri No 25/2020 concerning Regional Cooperation with Many Benefits to Increase Welfare

  • Bagikan – News Today, Representing the Regent of Musi Banyuasin (Muba), Dr. H Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin, Assistant for Government and People’s Welfare, Muba H Yudi Herzandi SH MH attended the Regional Cooperation Coordination Meeting of Musi Banyuasin Regency in 2021, in the context of disseminating the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 25 of 2020 concerning Regional Collaboration with Local Governments Abroad and Regions with Institutions Abroad. The activity which was held at the Serasan Sekate Meeting Room, Wednesday (10/2/2021) was held by the Cooperation Section of the Muba Regional Secretariat.

The event was attended by all regional apparatus organizations (OPD), BUMD, BLUD in the scope of the Muba Regency Government directly and virtually. The socialization presented a resource person, the Head of the Inter-State Cooperation Division, the Secretariat General Cooperation Facilitation Center, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ir M Arif Hidayat MEng MPP.

Yudi reminded each region in the era of regional autonomy to continue to compete to advance their respective regions. According to him, each region must have potential and advantages, as well as drawbacks and limitations, so that cooperation from other regions is needed in order to achieve progress in development and people’s welfare. “If we are able to carry out synergy, communication and cooperation between various parties between regions, it will increase productivity performance for the welfare of the community and accelerate the fulfillment of public services,” he said.

According to the report of the Head of Cooperation of the Regional Secretariat of Muba, Dicky Meirando SSTP MH, cooperation is able to improve the performance of the government and development sectors, especially the efficiency and effectiveness of public services and governance. Other benefits include increasing the capacity of human resources and regional development, investment and regional income, exploration and utilization of regional potential, transfer of knowledge and technology, regional and regional competitiveness, including increased cultural exchange.

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“There are many benefits of cooperation which ultimately improve the welfare of the people of Muba Regency,” he said. Meanwhile, in the presentation of the resource person, it was stated that the Urgency for Regional Cooperation with Abroad aims to improve community welfare, fulfillment of public services, increase human resource capacity, encourage regional competitiveness, strengthen the Republic of Indonesia, increase the economy and investment and strengthen international friendship and relationships. AN)

  • Bagikan