Electric Car Ready to Present, PLN UIW S2JB: PLN Is Very Ready

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SumselDailyThe National Electricity Company (PLN) is moving quickly to support the government in the battery electric vehicle acceleration program for road transportation. PLN’s concentration is on energy supply efforts to synergize with the government program, namely launching a Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU).

At least, dozens of SPKLUs have been established in Indonesia, such as in South Sumatra Province (Sumsel), PLN UIW S2JB, inaugurating the Charging Station, right at the entrance to its office on A. Rivai Palembang. “This is the first time in South Sumatra, and in Palembang,” said General Manager (GM) of PLN UIW S2JB, Daryono, at the launching of SPKLU at the PLN S2JB Palembang office. Friday (26/02/2021).

The purpose of using electric vehicles, said Daryono, is to reduce dependence on fuel importers and the resilience of Mineral Resources (HR), so that fuel consumption and air pollution are reduced. “PLN itself is very ready, to support fulfilling the electricity supply for this battery-powered vehicle,” he said. In the future, several other SPKLUs will be built, such as along toll roads, especially in rest areas. So that electric vehicle users, do not worry about running out of “shock”.

“The operating costs of this electric vehicle are 5 times cheaper than fuel,” he explained. PLN also provides home charging services for users at home. Because when the car is at home the user can charge the battery comfortably without having to go to the SPKLU. “PLN itself will provide a 30 percent discount for users charging cars at home,” he said.

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To make it easier for users, PLN provides the Charge.IN application which can be downloaded on the Play Store, so that users can immediately scan to pay a few Rupiah or kWh. “The application also shows the location of the SPKLU,” said Daryono.

Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sumatra ESDM Service (Kadin), Hendriansyah conveyed his appreciation for the work of PLN which has served the country, regarding the acceleration of this battery car program. South Sumatra as a storehouse of energy, even a surplus of energy, so that battery-powered electric vehicles can run smoothly. The South Sumatra Provincial Government is currently drafting a Governor Regulation (Pergub), whereby government agencies gradually procure electric vehicles in 2021.

“In the Pergub in the future, the LRT will connect with buses or vehicles that use electricity,” he said. In each service office an SPKLU will also be prepared. In the future, PLN together with the government to more aggressively socialize this electric vehicle to the public. (Fly)

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